New Captcha: No pets in


I was downloading a file off today, and guess what I see?

They finally acquired some common-sense! The infamous Cat Captcha system is DEAD!

The new captcha looks like this, which is very much easier to read:

Rapidshare Terrain Captcha

The new captchas look like the letters were modelled off a flat surface, like a terrain. The letters look like mountains off the ground.

This is a most welcomed change, since the Cat Captchas were sometimes very tough to decipher, and a general pain in the rear. This will surely make leeching off pirated files off Rapidshare easier for us netizens! The new captchas sometimes are not clear, but still easier than differentiating cats from dogs, specially the tiny things Rapidshare used! (Is that end letter a D or an 0?)

Thank you Rapidshare, after soooo long, you are seeing the light!

  • Is that 7AED?

    It isn’t that much clear either… 😐

  • More here:

    Summer special “Buy 2, get 3”: 3-day premium account for only 4.50 Euro

    July 03, 2008
    If you buy a 2-day premium account, we give you a full day extra. Secure your 3-day account now for only 4.50 Euro!
    RapidPoints for Premium Downloads

    July 02, 2008
    In the past, Premium and Collector’s Accounts were only credited a RapidPoint when a file was downloaded by a Free User.

    From now on, Premium Downloads can generate up to 255 additional RapidPoints per day. Those extra points will be displayed in the account overview in the Premium or Collector’s Zone.

    Once a day, the extra points will be added to the Premium or Collector’s Account’s RapidPoints balance and the extra points counter will be reset to zero.
    No more captchas – higher flexibility for premium-users

    July 02, 2008
    By eliminating the captchas we simplified the use of RapidShare’s free services significantly. In addition, free-users can now upload and download bigger files (up to 200 megabyte). Anyhow, to protect RapidShare from congestion caused by automated downloading, we limited the maximum download speed for free‐users to 500 kilobit per second. To compensate for that, they do not have to wait anymore until starting a succeeding download.

    Premium-users now profit from more flexibility regarding the download volume: It used to be limited to 10 gigabyte per day and can be “saved” now to a maximum of 50 Gigabyte. As a consequence, the volume that was not used is transferred to the following day automatically, up to a maximum of 50 gigabyte. If the complete download capacity is used up during one day, the premium-user is able to save another 10 gigabyte the following day.
    Simplified Rules: Download 10 Gigabyte per Day

    June 26, 2008
    Celebrating the European soccer championship we have simplified the rules regarding the maximum download volume: all premium users get 10 gigabyte per day now and can save the hassle to check how much traffic they have used already during the last five days.