Unknown Traffic Source or Improper Tracking?



I had quite a nice surprise today. Visting the homepage, I saw the feed counter showing 35 subscribers. I was awed. It just took 1 night to shoot from 25 subscribers to 35?

I kind of headed to Google Analytics to take a look at the reports. Fortunately or unfortunately, there were nothing to help me deduce the magical source.

My suspect list.

  1. Tutorialized
  2. Good Tutorials
  3. Search Engines (primarily Google)
  4. Some referring weblogs
  5. Direct Traffic

We have 8.56% Direct Traffic (quite very low), 19.84% Referring Websites, 71.60% Search Engines.

I have heard people writing we get most of our traffic from search engines. And the above mini-stats confirmed. Given the inappropriate way I have used my Google Analytics tracking potentials, I have got a rather handicapped statistics report. Who is to be blamed? I guess me. πŸ˜›

Unlike me, you should optimize your Gmail with analytics.

Furthermore, there is an emerging need to track internal traffics and proper outside geekscribes traffic. Got any tips? Throw it in the comments.

Don’t forget, subscribe to receive news by feeds or email. πŸ˜€

  • Google Analytics do show you the top Keywords. That’s most likely the main culprit. πŸ™‚

  • I guess so. Or is is the simple asking the readers to subscribe to the feed. I believe this must be doing the magic.

  • InF

    I got only one thing to say: THANK YOU READERS! YOU RULE!

    (And make us want to blog even more when we see that feed count rising! :D)

  • I will work hard to blog more. πŸ˜€ Come on readers, read… read… read… oops do comment

  • Use statcounter.com its a great tool too

    And yes asking readers to subscribe work πŸ™‚ The best… is to put a simple subscription form. work better.

  • I will consider this option Kurt Avish