Category: Featured

Behold Chrome: New contender in Browser Wars Arena!



Google just released the Beta version of its browser, called Google Chrome (why chrome anyways?). Since a few days, I’ve been seeing that pokeball-like logo all over the Internets and I thought I must add my piece of text to the already long list of blog posts about the newest browser out there. Seriously, nearly 12 million results on Google when I search for “Google Chrome”.

What’s the hype about it? Everybody is “Chrome released”, “Chrome does that”, “Chrome does this”, “Chrome makes tea”, bla bla… Let’s see… Before I move on, I need to say that Chrome is released under BSD license, and it’s Open-Source!

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NetPC, Low-cost AMDs, Asus Eee: Which one is best for me?


A number of interesting developments occurred in a short time in Mauritius. Of these, the oldest was the introduction of the NetPC by Mauritius Telecom. Recently, the Minister of IT and Communications of Mauritius, Mr. Etienne Sinatambou announced that a deal was made with AMD (yes, the CPU maker) to provide low-cost computers to Mauritius at around Rs.10,000 a machine. Again, not bad.

The NetPC and the AMD initiative as I shall call it are good moves, but they each have their respective advantages and disadvantages, which you will learn in this post. You will also learn that there are other alternatives, which are either cheaper, or offer much more value for money at nearly the same price. Ready? Read on…

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Plagiarism – Protect Yourself



If ever you have gone though the media guru’s blog, you must have read that his articles are being copied by To circumvent such practices, I will try to come up with some major tips to protect yourselves. I have yet to implement them. As a matter of fact this article is the product of inspiration to fight plagiarism. Continue Reading »

Monitor your traffic usage with NetMeter


With Orange having implemented their Fair Use Policy (FUP), it is advisable for us, Internet users to monitor our bandwidth usage. No, we are not going to take out a notebook and track every download we ever made! For this task, we will a small application called NetMeter.


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WordPress vs B2Evolution


While setting up GeekScribes, we explored a number of blogging platforms on which we could base our site. We tried B2Evolution, Serendipity and finally WordPress. I wanted to stay away from WordPress because of its reputation for attracting spammers. So we installed both Serendipity and B2Evolution. Here’s the review!

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A Simple Laptop Buying Guide




I saw a post somewhere the other day about people wanting to know what to look for in a laptop before they buy one. This inspired me to write a short guide on what you should pay attention to when looking for a laptop.

The problem with such guides is that they never remain relevant for very long considering how fast the field evolves. So I tagged the date in Bold. If it has been more than 6 months after this tag date, consider this article semi irrelevant. If it’s been more than a year from the tag date, completely ignore it! :D

Anyways here goes. Laptops are more and more common nowadays. People usually prefer laptops to desktops because of their mobility and in-built battery. This means you can have a portable computer and an in-built UPS at the same time. In the past, the price was quite prohibitive, and well, performance was not one of the best. Nowadays, you can even find gaming-grade laptops, but these are not usually sold for less than $1000. So here’s a set of questions you need to ask when buying your lappy!

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