Category: Geekscribes

Happy 1st Birthday GeekScribes!


Today, 26th of March 2009, marks the 1st anniversary of GeekScribes!

We started out initially as a purely technical blog, and were simple blogging amateurs. Over the year, we have learnt a number of techniques, experimented a number of platforms and encountered quite a lot of difficulty to people to know what GeekScribes is.

Today, we are happy that after 1 year of effort, we are seeing the fruits of our efforts! Our readership base has broadened, and we have now started blogging on a variety of subjects and not only purely technical stuff, though we still highly love our niche!

I take this opportunity to send our biggest THANK YOU to our faithful readers and supporters and hope that we will still enjoy your company for the years to come! Thank you for making GeekScribes what it is today. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions! πŸ™‚

Unknown Traffic Source or Improper Tracking?



I had quite a nice surprise today. Visting the homepage, I saw the feed counter showing 35 subscribers. I was awed. It just took 1 night to shoot from 25 subscribers to 35?

I kind of headed to Google Analytics to take a look at the reports. Fortunately or unfortunately, there were nothing to help me deduce the magical source.

My suspect list.

  1. Tutorialized
  2. Good Tutorials
  3. Search Engines (primarily Google)
  4. Some referring weblogs
  5. Direct Traffic

We have 8.56% Direct Traffic (quite very low), 19.84% Referring Websites, 71.60% Search Engines.

I have heard people writing we get most of our traffic from search engines. And the above mini-stats confirmed. Given the inappropriate way I have used my Google Analytics tracking potentials, I have got a rather handicapped statistics report. Who is to be blamed? I guess me. πŸ˜›

Unlike me, you should optimize your Gmail with analytics.

Furthermore, there is an emerging need to track internal traffics and proper outside geekscribes traffic. Got any tips? Throw it in the comments.

Don’t forget, subscribe to receive news by feeds or email. πŸ˜€

Follow us on Twitter Today



Fishing for subscribers is not a so easy task. Be it feed subscribers or email subscribers. I have brought back to life our Twitter account. Time to get some followers. πŸ˜€

Motivations of use Twitter (Follow us on twitter)

  • New posts updates directly in your twitter account
  • A level of proximity between YOU and US.
  • Short tips and tricks to be digested on your twitter

How can I use twitter?

There are many application for using twitter. Here is a small list:

  • TweetDeck – Based on Adobe Air
  • TwitterFox – Firefox Addon (Get updates in your web browser)
  • Twhirl – Based on Adobe Air
  • Twitter Web Interface (not an application)

The aboe mentioned would be sufficient to cater for your needs. I would propose you to use TweetDeck. πŸ˜€ It may seem bulky, but no, it is give an added benefit to “workflow”. Don’t forget to Follow GeekScribes.

Some Updates (and one rant)


Hello readers! No, I am not dead nor kidnapped by aliens nor anything else. I am just extremely busy with my life. Hell, CSE eats time. It just ATE my holidays! Who in their sane minds give 3 major assignments in a 2-months holidays?? Blame my lecturers!

I am just here to say sorry that I am unable to blog often now, but hey, it’s life. From now on, I’ll TRY (I say TRY) to blog about short tidbits here and there, instead of long articles. That’s until I end my Year 2, and all the assignments and whatever else associated with it.

For me to get some more sympathy, consider this: I got a test week (6 modules’ tests in one week!) in 3 weeks time. I got to submit 3 assignments (that’s till now, possibly more to come) by the end of the semester. And to conclude it all, I got exams (6 modules again!) that will cover the whole 2nd academic year’s content!! What the HELL! (Same for Guru btw) :/

Therefore, I ask for comprehension from your part. Don’t expect updates too often.

And now, time for the rant. You can guess towards what. ORANGE! :/

Damn them! I just noticed something funny today. I got a router, and I can see lights flash on it when I download. Well, guess what. Every 5 secs, the lights stop flashing, as if the download momentarily pauses. Then it resumes. I just timed it using a stopwatch. Every 5 seconds, there is a break!

Do you think this is normal? I bet this is some new form of capping or download regulation for “heavy” downloaders. I still haven’t exceeded 10GB download this month, so I really want to know what they consider to be “heavy downloading” for a 512K user.

Also, I got something to blog about Orange/Mauritius Telecom. They don’t do everything badly, as one would expect. This article will come soon, probably tomorrow hopefully, so wait for it. It’ll be a short one, I guess.

Pious Maha Shivratree to all. And bye, dear readers. πŸ™‚

Changes on GeekScribes


Over the next few days, I’ll be making some changes as to what GeekScribes really is about.

This blog, or I should say co-blog, started as a collaboration between Guru and myself, so that we have a common place to blog all of our articles instead of on our separate blogs. Since we mostly blogged about tech articles, this collaboration works well for us.

Unfortunately, I guess Guru is a bit busy these days and he will probably not be writing very often for now (until I can find him to… persuade him to be less busy! :P).

Anyways, what the hell is this post? It’s just to tell you about the “new” GeekScribes. Of course, you will still find your tech articles here, and probably a good dose of sarcasm from me. So what are these changes about?

Firstly, a new slogan. We found that the old one doesn’t really match us much. You will see the new one up there near the site name.

Second, we’ll be expanding the scope of what GeekScribes covers. Tech and news is fine, but we’d like more. So expect to see more topics on GeekScribes soon. What topics? Articles about anime and manga, movies, music and other similars. The full extent of the scope has not yet been decided, but GeekScribes will no longer be a tech-only blog.

Finally, there will probably be changes in the post categories. Also, though I’m not sure, you might see a change in the tone of my posts.

That should be about it. Before I do changes, I’d like to know what you think. (Thanks for voting! Comment if you want.)


No Posts!


As you see, there are no new posts for almost a week! We are very sorry, but both Neel and myself have been taken up by the Test Week held at UoM. It was on 24th and ended on the 5th, due to the heavy rains that hit Mauritius during the past week.

We didn’t have time to write anything, since the amount of revision to be done was consequent. And we are still going to be taken up by the exams coming in 3 weeks.

Heeyy! Come’on! We are students. We are busy too! GeekScribes might hit some slow-time for the coming month or so. We’ll try to post, but it won’t be frequent.

But after that one month of misery, troubles and headaches, we promise that you will have ample articles to read. 2 months of holidays coming! YAAY! πŸ˜›

We ask for your understanding for the coming month, and hope you will keep checking around here often. Thank you, dear reader! πŸ˜›