Category: Tips and Tricks

How to Manage Projects?


With already a couples of failures in the past, we can just think to move forward with a dose of success. “Success”, this word seems glamourous. While some can easily achieve their objectives, others are able to do so in a much longer time period. But what is the difference between the two??? If you do not perceive things the same way as I do, then do so now. Everything that we do is a project. Agreed??? The only variation is its scale and priority. An assignment has a higher order priority and at times takes a larger scale as compared to nailing a piece of wood. Having the right tools and mindset to get things done is important.


To start with, dreaming is bad. Be completely down to earth. This will allow you to perform better, evaluate your progress and be able to take corrective measures. Now that I mentioned these key points, roll up your sleeves and get to some serious work.

The number of people working on a project can range from one to many; forming a team. Now that we have got our team, to start, we need a minimum level of commitment. Being committed to whatever we are doing will have a direct impact on the end-result. The more time, the more effort is put will give better results. Good results gives much better self satisfaction and improved skills.

Each team members must have a particular role. To name a few, president, vice-president, treasurer, public relationship officer and so on. Having said these particular posts you can guess that each team member’s action will pay-off with a better result. Right? We should not forget that each and every human are capable to do everything (taking asides handicapped – in fact they do better than us). Everyone ought to be a leader. Being able to take decision, announce new ways of proceeding and be able to think aloud.

Now that the basic structure and mindset of the team has been set, lets see what concerns the project. The whole backbone of a project lies in its objective. What is an objective? In simple terms, it is just what must be achieved. The objective should be crystal clear so that unnecessary jobs will not be done thus straying from the core tasks and losing precious resources. Alongside with our objectives we have something called “aims“. What is that? Let me explain using an example. I want to but a laptop. My objective is to but a laptop. To be able to do so, I need to work. That is an aim. Another aim could have been, I just need to steal 5 under wears of a certain celebrity to sell them. πŸ˜› I hope you can now make a difference and how important they are.

Communications is an important aspect. With easy access to internet, many projects are going towards the “online” trends. Like I am currently doing for “AgriMauritius”. To ease communications and interactivity, there are a certain tools that will help you. Here are a list that would help:


  • Scriblink is an online whiteboard. It can accommodate as much as 6 users online. It acts just like the traditional blackboard. Each participant can scribble, write and chat at the same time. InF and I have used it to helps us study. πŸ˜€ I believe this tools will also help you clarify some points in your projects. Other alternatives would be Netmeeting and Marratech.
  • Freemind is an open source software, It allows you to make a mind map. What is this? Simply, all your ideas will be presented in a “graphical” manner. This will make sharing ideas easier and neater.
  • Microsoft Live messenger or Skype can be used for the purpose of interacting with team members. An added benefit of skype would be it allows VOIP and addons as whiteboards can be added. Interesting?
  • Now is the most important part. Use Webcollab as usual another open source software. It is just a project management tool. Assign tasks and permissions to users. That is a bonus to project management. View?

Project management is a vast topic and this article has covered just the essential topics. I am not a pro, you see errors drop a word. Want to add something, comment it. I will be adding it.


As always comments appreciated. Find it helpful, stumble it. πŸ˜›

Thank You.


Recover files from damaged media


I’m sure it must have annoyed you at some point. You found a CD with some very important files. Unfortunately it is a bit scratched, and your drive refuses to read the disk properly. And then? Your files are lost. Forever?

Nope! There may be a solution. In fact, there are several solutions. Some work, some are dubious, and some don’t. So, I’ll be listing some things you can do to recover files from your CD or DVD if ever it is scratched, or otherwise corrupt. Mind you, if your media has been scratched polished by something like sandpaper, you won’t be able to recover anything. What I mean is, you can get back some files provided the disk is not excessively damaged. Also, one of these solutions is also applicable to other drives, like floppies, flash disks and hard disks.

Briefly? You will be able to read files from damaged CD or DVD disks, or maybe hard-disks and other drives. As with most risky things, try at your own risk! πŸ˜€

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Do more with your digital pictures


Digital cameras are a blessing, we have to agree to that part. No need to go to a photo booth to get your photos printed, no need to buy rolls of expensive film, no hassle to find a “great scene” and numerous other advantages. Basically, it’s just point-and-shoot, and if you don’t like it, delete it, and try another shot. Go until your memory ends, or your batteries die. Then replace these. Repeat.

However, most of the digital pics you will shoot will either stay on the memory card or the internal memory of the camera, or they will be dumped somewhere on your hard disk and get lost among your clutter files. So? I came up with some ideas to put my pictures to better use, and share them with you. Here’s my top #5 ideas:

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Mass Rename Files (and folders) with ReNamer


Have you ever come up with a situation where you have a batch of files, which you need to rename according to a pattern, or according to file names from a list. I do. And I do often.

Consider this scenario. You downloaded a bunch of video files or episodes off the Internet, and you want to rename them to something meaningful. Like from “S01E08_Episode_Released By_XYZ” to “1×08 – Episode by XYZ”.

Now, doing this rename operation on one file manually is alright. Doing it for 100’s of episodes? I guess no one is ready for this. Anyways, for this situation, a very useful and friendly application is needed. It’s called ReNamer by Denis Kozlov.

There are tons of freeware batch-renamers out there, but I found ReNamer to be the friendliest of them till now, and my personal favourite. I thought that it would be nice to share it with you.


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Plagiarism – Protect Yourself



If ever you have gone though the media guru’s blog, you must have read that his articles are being copied by To circumvent such practices, I will try to come up with some major tips to protect yourselves. I have yet to implement them. As a matter of fact this article is the product of inspiration to fight plagiarism. Continue Reading »

Creating ADODB Connection in VB


Developing applications in Visual Basic (VB) is rather easy. But, thinking of connecting to a database using purely codes may look difficult. But it is not! After understanding the basics and coding a little, it becomes as easy as pie. First we need to get everything ready with the references, then understand what you will need to do (I leave this part to you. Google is here!) and finally creating the connection… Note that this article pertains to VB6, but might work for other flavors. Continue Reading »