Who are we?
Hello! I’m Inf. Pleased to meet you. I’m a former student of the University of Mauritius (UoM). At the time of writing, I’ve just completed my degree in Computer Science. I currently live in the small island of Mauritius, that is off the eastern coast of Madagascar. It’s a pretty small island, so look for 3 dots to the right of Madagascar. Those are the Reunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues Mascareignes Islands.
Also blogging here is my friend Guru, which was also a student of UoM. He’s pretty busy nowadays, so I’m usually the one blogging.
We also have a few guest bloggers who blog from time to time about things of interest to them.
What does GeekScribes mean and what is it about?
Geeks are often people who are very interested in technology, specially cutting-edge technology. Scribes were people who would manually record information in ancient times, may it be about events or just facts such as information about harvests. So the associations of those two words represent persons that write about technology!
GeekScribes is a personal blog where I post articles about things that are mostly of interest to “geeks” – Technologically-inclined people with interests in computers, the Internet, new gadgets and some hobbies such as photography and graphics design. You may also find articles relating to Japanese media – Animes, Manga mainly. I also wish to share my knowledge with people who need assistance, so I often share tips and tricks, and write tutorials to teach people things. Those can be read by a wider audience, not just tech-people. So everyone is welcome on GeekScribes.
From time to time, the topics may diverge from the niche if I think there is some important event I must highlight, such as the Olympic Games, but those do not happen very often.
Why the nicknames?
Cuz it’s fun! And blogging can sometimes lead to unforeseen events. Better be careful, right?
How can I contact you?
The fastest and easiest to get a reply from us is just to post a comment on the article you are interested in. We always take a look at your comments and do our best to reply.
You can also send your emails at geekscribes [dot] editors [at] gmail [dot] com. We will try to reply your mails. BUT, we will not be replying to (in most cases):
- Questions about what have been written. Post your questions as comments. The discussion is very often helpful to the community!
- Mails without proper subject. Such emails will most probably be flagged as spam and subjected to automatic deletion.
We always appreciate fan mails by the way!
Why are my comments not appearing?
Do not worry! All comments are subjected to moderation from an administrator before they appear. This step is required to reduce comment spam and keep discussions clean. You can be certain that we do not censor comments (unless they are spam). Even comments that criticise us. We are open for debate.
We encourage you to comment on our articles!
Also, the mail adress that you provide when commenting will never be shared with anyone. We don’t do advertising too, so you won’t find spam from us in your inbox.
How frequently is the weblog updated?
It depends. We are still students, and so have exams, assignments and revisions. We only write in our free time and do not get paid to do this. Please excuse us if there are no updates for some time. We inform our readers of extended absence periods.
How can I get updates?
We have two methods of content delivery:
- Via feeds – Faster and less spammy, but you’ll need a feed reader such as Google Reader or the Firefox Browser’s Live Bookmarks feature
- Via email
You just need to subscribe and you are all set. Subscription is free!
How can I help?
We don’t have any donations system for now. So the best way you can help GeekScribes is to get your friends and close ones to read our blog. It’s a great encouragement to see more readers. Whether on social-sites like Facebook, on Twitter or otherwise, if you are able to bring traffic to us, we’d be grateful. Feel free to share the articles on the social networks and link back to our articles.
You can also subscribe to our feed. Seeing the Feed Subscriber counter go up is always a great encouragement.
Also, if you want to contribute an article, we encourage you to do so, provided it is relevant with our subjects – Technology, Internet, Anime & Manga, Graphics, Photography, etc… Then send your article to our mail address stated above. We will provide attribution and link-backs where appropriate.
Privacy Policy?
GeekScribes may store information on your computer in the form of Cookies. This is used specially when you are posting comments, and when remembering your details so that you do not have to type them everytime. Also, when you submit your email address to us, you can be sure we will not be using it for any purpose other perhaps for contacting you if needed. We will NEVER resell your data to third-parties or anything of the sort.
Always good to have one, heh? The content of this site reflects the views and opinions of the authors, and only the authors. If you have any complaints about what we have written, you are free to contact us at this address: geekscribes [dot] editors [at] gmail [dot] com. We could consider your claim to edit or remove something if your claim is logical, appropriate and does not violate our right of free speech.
Also, GeekScribes authors cannot be held responsible for the content of comments or links that commenters or non-GeekScribes authors post. If you find anything offensive in comments, contact us and we’ll resolve the issue.
Trademarks and copyrights belong to their respective authors. They may be mentioned here for reference purposes only. Sources will be appropriately stated where required. If we have accidentally missed a reference or violated copyright, kindly let us know and we’ll make amends.
For any issues, in relation to the above or not, contact us at the given email address.
Thank you!
Enjoy the experience and keep tuned. Suggestions and comments always appreciated! And remember not to feed the trolls! 🙂
If you are an existing subscriber to Myt 256kbps line, would you prefer a reduction in monthly subscription fee like for adsl or do you prefer paying the same price for double capacity (as is the case with latest offer from orange mauritius)?
I am a subscriber to 512K ADSL. I prefer to get twice the speed instead of half the price. I value speed first. It doesn’t make much sense to have half the price with the same speed.
You are just going to spend the money you saved on electricity bills waiting for your downloads to end.
Whereas with twice speed with double speed, it means 1/2 electricity bills for me. But this would be a perfect world. I still pay the same electricity bills, but can download twice as much. I browse twice faster, and this means I do things twice as fast. Less waiting is much better for me.
That’s why I am grateful to Orange for doing something like this. I’ve always said that it’d be better if instead of price decreases, we get speed increases. It’s finally done. We actually got both. Speed increase and price fall.
You can choose what you want. If for example, you thought 512K was enough for you, you can downgrade your auto-upgraded line and pay Rs. 700 (almost 1/2 price), or keep the price, and get twice the speed.
As long as there is no capping, I’m a happy guy! 😛
Guys, you know some good references where i can buy a quadcore pc with extreme features for animation and graphic design??? I am a digital art student.
If you are on msn please contact me at gothathelionhotmailcom
Hmm.. depends in which country you are.
In Mauritius, your best bets would be the usual suppliers:
Mercury, FastClick, Jacey, Compuspeed (I think that’s the name, it’s in Labourdonnais street) and maybe Pascal for some of their ASUS boards.
Quad Extreme, I don’t think you’ll get it for cheap here. You’d probably save by having it imported.